Sunday, December 29, 2013


"I never drink water; I'm afraid it will become habit-forming." W.C. Fields

"Thousands have lived without love, but not one without water." W.H. Auden

The closing days of December trigger many people to make New Years "resolutions"--which essentially are promises to oneself to change some behavior in the new year about to begin. Commonly, such resolutions are later forgotten or unfulfilled as the new year progresses.

If you are planning to make New Years resolutions for 2014, at the top of your list should be a resolution to drink more water!

Developing a habit to drink a healthy amount of water on a regular basis in essential for overall good health. As kids, when another kid would say something we thought silly or wrong, we would say "You're all wet." Actually, it turns out that we all are "all wet." Depending on body size, a person comprises water somewhere in the range of 55% to 78%, with a midpoint of about 67%, according to one report. Blood is 83% water, the brain 90%, muscle 75% and bone 22%.

The benefits of drinking sufficient water are numerous, according to several reports. Some of these benefits include the following:

* water keeps skin moisturized and reduces development of lines and wrinkles. Insufficient water intake results in water retention, leading to puffy skin.

* drinking water suppresses appetite and can help a person to lose weight.

* water helps to flush toxins from the body, aids in metabolization of stored fat, and promotes bowel regularity.

* drinking water enhances delivery of oxygen to the brain, improving cognitive functions and alertness. Water also supports electrolyte levels to benefit nerve functions.

* water helps to keep joints lubricated.

* adequate water can relieve headache and back pain due to dehydration.

* water regulates body temperature and fuels muscles.

* water moisturizes air in the lungs and transports nutrients and oxygen to cells.

As Sen-No-Rikyu is quoted as saying:

When you hear the splash
Of the water drops that fall
Into the stone bowl
You will feel
that all the dust
Of your mind is washed away.

So, have a Happy New Year by resolving to drink more water in 2014!

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