The asteroid that crashed into the Yucatan Peninsula over 60 million years ago apparently did more than liquidate dinosaurs. According to a recently published report, scientists now believe that the impact which created the Chicxulub crater also superheated groundwater under the crater, plunging the Earth's crust into hot water for one or two million years.* Hydrothermal systems can be created when molten rock heats water in the crust. The report suggests water initially heated to over 300 degrees C, and eventually cooled to about 90 degrees C.
The report suggests the possibility that hydrothermal systems might create habitats for microbial life, including the first life on Earth. Bt analogy, some Yellowstone hot pools evidence such life.
It can be noted that "hot water" can exhibit different meanings. For example, to be in hot water " is to be in or get into a difficult situation in which you are in danger of being criticized or punished." (Cambridge Dictionary Or, "I believe in getting into hot water; it keeps you clean." (G.K. Chesterton)
Given the current conditions and events in the world today, one might easily conclude that the Earth continues to be in hot water.
*Gramling. "Impact Left Earth's Crust
In Hot Water", Science News, July 4,18
2020, p. 10
© Daniel J. Kucera 2020
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