Saturday, January 10, 2015


Who can resist chocolate, particularly when it may be beneficial for health! For example, according to one website, "There have been many studies linking cocoa and dark chocolate with health benefits. Cocoa and chocolate contain a large amount of antioxidants (flavonoids). Cocoa and dark chocolate may keep high blood pressure down and reduce the blood's ability to clot, thus the risk of stroke and heart attacks may be reduced."*

Now, a recently reported study of adults ages 50-69 suggests that high doses of cocoa flavanols (antioxidants) increased blood flow to the portion of the brain (hippocampus) associated with learning and memory. Enhancement of cognition by munching chocolates may be helpful to aging baby boomers. At the very least, perhaps chocolate can teach old dogs new tricks.

As discussed in several prior postings, it is well established that drinking adequate amounts of water has substantial health benefits. So, sweetening the palate with some chocolate brain food, followed by a cool glass of water, and both your body and your mind may thank you--along with those pesky taste buds.


**"Cocoa Antioxidant Sweetens Cognition in
Elderly",Science News, December 27,2014,p.5

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