Recently, a Wall Street Journal editorial criticized the U.S.EPA policy dealing with overflows from wastewater treatment plants. ("The Obama Storm Tax", October 23, 2012, p. A16)
In wet weather conditions, some wastewater treatment facilities frequently may become burdened with excess influent water flows from tributary sewer mains. Such excess flows can arise either because the sewage collection system is a combined system--designed to receive both sanitary and storm water--or because the sanitary system is subject to inflow and infiltration in rain periods.
Under such excess flow conditions, wastewater treatment plants may be forced to bypass some of the influent to a receiving stream in order to protect the integrity of the treatment biological process for the design influent flow.
Not all bypasses, however, are due to heavy rain events. For example, the Record/Herald News ( reported that hurricane Sandy allegedly disabled one of the nation's largest wastewater treatment plants, forcing it to release about 300 million gallons of untreated sewage into Newark Bay. This action resulted from the wide power outage and the fact that standby generators could only power the outflow. It also was reported that other plants had to take similar action.
The Journal editorial was critical of EPA Clean Water Act enforcement measures against municipal wastewater facilities which bypass excess flows. The editorial alleged that cities are forced to enter into consent decrees with EPA to upgrade their plants, which cost local taxpayers billions of dollars. Further, such systems are subject to limits on the number of permitted bypasses. The editorial complained that such upgrades actually may not be cost effective.
The editorial may have overlooked some factors involved with bypasses. First, EPA can be both the hand that feeds as well as the hand that slaps. While enforcement actions may impose upgrade costs on utilities, EPA also spends untold millions of dollars in grants and low interest loans to cities and states for upgrades of infrastructure. This money comes from taxpayers nationwide, who in effect subsidize upgrades for the beneficiaries.
Second, not all bypasses necessarily are harmful to a receiving waterbody. Traditionally, a bypassed flow may be required to receive at least primary treatment-upwards of 85%- and chlorination. One would expect EPA to consider this to be an appropriate mitigation factor given the benefit of saving the overall treatment plant function.
Third, perhaps the real issue with the excess flow issue is not plant capacity but the cause of the excess flows in the first place. If the collection system is a combined system , them maybe a more cost-effective solution is to separate the sanitary from the storm systems, at least partially. If a collection system is sanitary only, the issue may become inflow and infiltration. Inflow results from illegal connections of downspouts, sump pumps, footing drains and the like to the sanitary system and from leaking manhole covers. Infiltration can result from broken mains and manholes. Reducing excess flows from inflow and infiltration not only can reduce the necessity for treatment plant bypasses, but also may reduce sewer surcharges and resulting backups into homes.
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