As a young child, age 5 or 6, I was conflicted about Santa Claus. Shortly before one Christmas, my parents took me to the magical kingdom (in my eyes) of the Sears, Roebuck & Co. headquarters store on Homan Ave. in Chicago. It was a massive complex, stretching for blocks and soaring several stories high, complete with a tower.
The toy department seemed never ending. But at one end, there was Santa on his throne, with a long line of hyper kids waiting to sit on his knee and whisper their wants. As my parents pushed me toward the line, I resisted and began to cry. I refused to join! I was afraid of Santa! He frightened me! I tried to run and hide behind a nearby display. My parents gave up embarrassed, and Santa did not get my wants.
On Christmas morning, I sneaked down the stairs. I immediately saw that overnight Santa had been to the house! There was a fully decorated tree, circled by Lionel trains, and surrounded by brightly wrapped gifts. Surely, Santa knew exactly what would please me and was very generous, even though I had refused to talk to him.
So, what to believe? Santa in person sitting before me or circumstantial evidence of Santa--no body but surely he had visited and brought gifts. As a "grown-up, I have come to reinforce my belief in Santa Claus--not as a visible person in the flesh such as the Sears Santa, but belief in the Santa that lives within each of us, a Santa that unselfishly gives gifts of friendship, hospitality, love and and generosity.
I hope that this Christmas, and through out the new year, you are able to reinforce your belief in Santa and let your Santa within come out to visit others.
Merry Christmas to all...
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