Tuesday, January 12, 2016


"Water is the driving force in nature."

-----Leonardo da Vinci

Scientists' quest for the origin of water on Earth seems to echo the song "Looking For Love In All The Wrong Places."

In May, 2015, I discussed a report that scientists have asserted water was delivered to Earth from the bombardment by asteroids and/or meteorites containing ice. This hypothesis was based upon measurement of deuterium concentrations in surface water compared with that found in these invaders.*

However, in November, I stated that a subsequent report indicated the asteroid/meteorite assertion was flawed because deuterium levels in ground water were found to be significantly lower than those in seawater.**

Most recently, it has been reported that scientists have developed a new hypothesis. "The researchers have found that deuterium levels in water trapped inside of molten rock and unaltered since the planet's early days are significantly lower than those in seawater. The lower deuterium fingerprint for Earth's primordial water hints that the world's wetness resulted from water-soaked dust grains present during the planet's assemble;y, the researchers conclude." In other words, water was part of the Earth's formation and was not delivered to Earth at a later time.***

So, where in the world did water come from? One could question how all the surface water and groundwater on Earth could have come from "cosmic dust." And even if it did, where did all that watery dust come from, etc.,etc.?

Perhaps da Vinci's statement is instructive. Water is the driving force IN nature, he says. Is water, in reality, a part of nature? If so, the larger question may be how did nature originate on Earth? It appears that all conditions on Earth, including water, came together in a purposeful way to create and sustain nature and life.

Then, again, why is so much scientific research energy being expended on a quest for the origin of water? No amount of such labors will produce more water than the Earth already has. And, it would seem that there are many more critical issues needing Earth's attention, such as hunger, safe water, sustainability of water resources, sanitation, disease, and the like.


* "Who Cares", May 27,2015

** "Deja Vu", November 3,2015

*** Sumner,"Origin of Earth's Water
Questioned," Science News,
December 12,2015, p.12

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