Saturday, July 1, 2017


I now know why I am getting shorter. I thought it was an aging thing. No--it is because of global warming!

According to a recent article, mammals on Earth have shrunk on at least two occasions when carbon dioxide levels and temperatures rose as part of "a natural warming."* In one example, about 54 million years ago, a compact horse shrunk to the size of a cat due to global warming. (Think of a cowboy saddling up on a cat and hitting the prairie to herd cats.) About 56 million years ago, it is said that mammals also experienced a shrinking.

The studies reportedly were based on fossils found in Wyoming. Interestly, the article stated that smaller animals are better adapted for warm climates because they have more skin per pound of body. Larger animals are more adapted for colder climates because they have less skin per pound.

Well, now I realize why I am shrinking, and understand that I should lose weight in order to confront climate change. But, I wonder--if this trend continues how much will mammals shrink? For example, will cows become so small that they can give only evaporated milk?

What are we to do? Cry global warming! and make way for the Lilliputians?


*Associated Press, "Fossils show Mammals
Shrinking When Earth Heats Up, Study
Says," Rapid City Journal, March 16,
2017, P. A4

© Daniel J. Kucera 2017

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