According to media, alleged climate change has invaded almost every aspect of life on earth. For example, a recent issue of one magazine included articles on these topics: climate change causes wildfires which create smoke that damages the ozone layer; climate change causes ecosystems to fall apart; climate change causes ice sheets to melt raising sea levels which by 2100 will put coastal cities at risk; climate change makes it harder to predict ocean severity of El Nino and La Nina events; between 2030 and 2050 climate change will cause 250,000 more people to die than otherwise.*
According to a recent report, only 71% of world population use safe drinking water. Some 785 million people do not have access even to basic drinking water.** According to another article, in 17 countries, where a quarter of world population lives, there is a high risk of water stress--running out of available water.***
Apparently, some have suggested that world water shortages and lack of safe drinking water are caused by climate change. However, according to an article, economic growth and population growth appear to be the primary causes, not climate change. From 1961 to 2014, world water use increased 150%.***
Instead of speculation and handwringing over climate change alleged effects on world water requirements, perhaps the focus should be on enhanced development of availability of safe water supplies for the 29% that lack access.
* See Science News, September 14, 2019
** Opflow, AWWA, October 2019, p.4
***Wilke, Science News,September 14,2019, p.5
© Daniel J. Kucera 2019
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